Recognising my need for Creativity in Cultivating Positive Mental Health

Written by Beulah-Lynn De Vos

My name is Beulah-Lynn De Vos, and I grew up in the vibrant streets of the Cape Flats. My life's journey has been one of self-discovery. Following high school, I embarked on a path I believed would swiftly lead me to financial stability, independence, and what I perceived as 'success.' This choice was partly driven by my desire to overcome the lingering shadows of my childhood traumas and extend that safe space that I so needed in my childhood to others within our communities.

However, as time progressed, it became increasingly evident that my chosen academic course did not resonate with my true self. I have always found joy in creativity - whether through dance, sports, artistic pursuits, or even the reimagining of clothing sourced from thrift treasures from my local area. Yet my academic pursuit demanded conformity to a predetermined idea of achievement, leaving me dissatisfied and spiralling into a state of poor mental health. In our culture today, the discourse around mental well-being, especially among the youth, has become less of a taboo. My awakening to the gravity of mental health came when university and news stories shed light on fellow students who were unknowingly facing hard times. This was my wake-up call. I recognised that periods of feeling trapped are an inevitable part of life but sitting in such a state for an extended period can lead down bleak paths. Something needed to change in my story. 

Initiating a process of introspection, I began to reconnect with my authentic self, starting with the simple things. Gradually, the revelation surfaced that my true self is happiest when creating, and a career avenue that allowed this expression was my true calling. This journey of self-exploration was a lifeline, shifting me from a path than could have ended in a vastly more bleak outcome. My mother, my closest family member and anchor throughout my childhood likened my transformation to that of a resilient flower, once withered, now revitalised. It sounds cliche but it’s true. Today, my creative spirit flourishes in every area of my life in more ways than I could have imagined. I studied fashion and now work in the industry here in Cape Town. My journey so far has almost become full circle, returning to live in Woodstock from being a student there and continuing to cultivate my environment here but now more on my own terms. Embracing my authentic self has ushered in a life of fulfillment. Though challenges persist, I diligently nurture my mental health by channelling my creativity each day. In this journey I've come to embrace not only who I truly am but also the excitement of what I can become in the future.

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